The 'National Canadian Drugs and Substance Use Strategy' focuses on initiatives that reduce the harmful health, social and economic effects of substance use. This includes activities centered on harm-reduction, until individuals are ready/able to seek treatment, which prioritizes reducing the risk, improving health, and connecting individuals to services.
Our Mental Health and Addictions Committee works with other agencies and volunteer programs to provide public awareness and increase the accessibility of community programs for individuals and families in need of substance use and mental health services in the Assiniboia area.

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The Mental Health & Wellness Team consists of a variety of community members whose vision is to help create a
society that embraces and invests in the mental health of all people.
To join, contact
Click the logo to go to their local Facebook page.
Drugs and alcohol negatively affect brain activity and impair cognitive, physical, and behavioural functioning.
Many people in Saskatchewan misuse alcohol and drugs without fully understanding the lasting impacts on their health and body as well as their overall quality of life and relationships with family and friends.
There are many signs of drug or alcohol use becoming a harmful addiction including an inability to stop the use even when negative consequences occur, persistent thoughts about the substance, hiding the use of the substance, issues achieving daily tasks, trouble maintaining healthy relationships, taking risks to acquire more of the substance, etc.
The most important thing to know about alcohol and drug use is that recovery does not need to happen alone. There are many community programs and resources available to help with any stage of an individual's journey to recovery. Anyone looking for support in Saskatchewan can call '811' to reach the Saskatchewan Healthline, a confidential, 24-hour health information and support telephone line available to all Saskatchewan residents staffed by registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and registered social workers. They can offer crisis support and connection to community resources.
Harm Reduction Principles - National Harm Reduction Coalition
Alcohol Addiction - Healthline
Alcohol, Drug & Addictions - Government of Saskatchewan
Educational Resources - Teen Challenge
Reducing the Risk of Harm from Substance Use - Foundry
Tips for Recovery - Verywell Mind
Overcoming Addiction - HelpGuide
Addiction Symptoms - Addiction Education Society
Talking to Teens about Drugs - Government of Canada
Teen Substance Use - Government of Saskatchewan